From a Hot Tub of Lavender
chiari malformation, depression, Essential oils, food addiction, healing, fear, health, inner child, Self-love, self-worth, weight, weightloss, worthinessJules Rowlen_MiCself worth, self care, self love, worthiness, essential oils, depression, chiari malformation
How (Not) to Love Yourself
anger, depression, family drama, fear, healing, inner child, Self-love, self-worth, worthinessJules Rowlen_MiCself love, self worth, self-sabotage, worthiness, trauma, transformation
Under Siege 3 - Thanksgiving
depression, fear, healing, self-worth, worthiness, inner childJules Rowlen_MiCself worth, self love, family, worthiness, hiding, inner child
Eat, Drink & Go Crazy
anger, fear, healing, worthiness, Self-love, Holiday, family drama, self-worthJules Rowlen_MiCholidays, stress, alcohol, families, commitments, family commitments, children, self love, self worth
Rewriting a Chiari Story
Ketamine Session 6 - Astonishing
QHHT - Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique
I want everyone to talk about Ketamine.
anger, chiari malformation, coronavirus, covid-19, depression, ketamine, health, healingJules Rowlen_MiCketamine, healing, health, depression
Ketamine Session 5 - Enter CHIARI
anger, chiari malformation, coronavirus, depression, healing, health, ketamineJules Rowlen_MiCketamine, depression, chiari malformation, healing, health
Ketamine Sessions 2-4
Adventures in Ketamine - K-1: Asia. I'm in Asia
Sick Like This
chiari malformation, food addiction, healing, health, weightloss, weightJules Rowlen_MiCweight loss, health, chiari malformation, self-sabotage, inner battle
None Of It Matters If...
food addiction, healing, health, weight, weightloss, Essential oilsJules Rowlen_MiChealth, weight loss, weight, food addiction, food culture, transformation, essential oils
In My Rearview Mirror
chiari malformation, food addiction, healing, health, weight, weightlossJules Rowlen_MiCtransformation, weight loss, weight, healing, health, chiari malformation
Coronavirus, A Progression
chiari malformation, coronavirus, covid-19, fear, healing, healthJules Rowlen_MiCcoronavirus, covid-19, healing, health, fear, chiari malformation
And the Winner is...FEAR
chiari malformation, healing, health, Joe Dispenza, covid-19, fearJules Rowlen_MiCcoronavirus, covid-19, Joe Dispenza, healing, health, essential oils, doterra, enzymes, chiari malformation
Divine Intervention
chiari malformation, healing, health, Joe Dispenza, Wayne DyerJules Rowlen_MiCDivine Intervention, Wayne Dyer, Joe Dispenza, You are the placebo, change your thoughts change your life, healing, chiari malformation
Out With the Old, In With the Flu
chiari malformation, anger, healing, health, Joe DispenzaJules Rowlen_MiCchiari malformation, healing, health, illness, Joe Dispenza, Wayne Dyer
Like a Phoenix