“If you want a certain thing, first be a certain person. Then obtaining that certain thing will no longer be a concern.”
— Zen Proverb
Cellular Meditation
In Like a Lion, Out Like a Wrecking Ball
Chiari Internal Work, fear, healing, health, Joe Dispenza, Wayne Dyer, worthinessJules Rowlen_MiChealing, Chiari Internal Work, Wayne Dyer, Joe Dispenza, meditation
Essential Oils with Chiari
Chiari Diagnosis, Chiari Improving Health, Chiari Malformation, Chiari No Surgery, Essential oils, healing, Essential Oils, doTERRAJules Rowlen_MiCessential oils, chiari malformation, Type 1 Chiari, Chiari diagnosis, Chiari, doterra
Chiari - Improving Overall Health
Chiari Diagnosis, Chiari Malformation, chiari malformation, Chiari No Surgery, healing, Joe Dispenza, Chiari Improving HealthJules Rowlen_MiCchiari malformation, Chiari diagnosis, Chiari, Type 1 Chiari, Chiari Improving Health, healing, health
Chiari - Take A Life Inventory
Chiari Diagnosis, Chiari Malformation, chiari malformation, Chiari No Surgery, healing, health, Chiari Life InventoryJules Rowlen_MiCChiari Take A Life Inventory, Chiari, chiari malformation, Type 1 Chiari, Chiari diagnosis, healing, healing depression, health
Live Well With Chiari (Without Surgery)
Chiari Diagnosis, Chiari Malformation, chiari malformation, Decompression Surgery, depression, healing, Prescription medication, Chiari No SurgeryJules Rowlen_MiCchiari malformation, Chiari diagnosis, Chiari, Type 1 Chiari, healing, depression, Chiari No Surgery
Chiari - What If I Didn't Do the Surgery?
chiari malformation, fear, healing, Chiari Malformation, Decompression Surgery, Chiari DiagnosisJules Rowlen_MiCchiari malformation, Chiari, Chiari diagnosis, Type 1 Chiari, Decompression surgery, Neurosurgeon, fear
Don't Cry for Me - Again
chiari malformation, depression, Essential oils, family drama, fear, healing, health, Joe Dispenza, Prescription medication, Wayne Dyer, weight, weightlossJules Rowlen_MiCchiari malformation, Chiari, Chiari diagnosis, Divine Intervention, healing, Joe Dispenza, Wayne Dyer, essential oils
Chiari - Long Road to Diagnosis
Chiari - What Is It?
What Depression Felt Like
depression, fear, healing, health, ketamine, Self-loveJules Rowlen_MiCdepression, ketamine, post partum depression, kids, vitamin k, healing, health, healing depression
The Mammogram Behind the Curtain
fear, healing, health, worthiness, breast cancer, mammogramJules Rowlen_MiCfear, health, breast cancer, cancer, mammogram, enzymes
She-Beast Takes Out the Trash
food addiction, healing, health, Self-love, self-worth, weight, weightloss, worthinessJules Rowlen_MiCself worth, self care, self love, weight, weightloss, weight loss, healing, health, mean girl, melissa ambrosini
Hearing Voices
anger, depression, family drama, fear, healing, inner child, Self-love, self-worth, worthinessJules Rowlen_MiCRage, anger, trauma, mean girl, negative voice, negative voices, inner child, loveable, children
From a Hot Tub of Lavender
chiari malformation, depression, Essential oils, food addiction, healing, fear, health, inner child, Self-love, self-worth, weight, weightloss, worthinessJules Rowlen_MiCself worth, self care, self love, worthiness, essential oils, depression, chiari malformation
How (Not) to Love Yourself
anger, depression, family drama, fear, healing, inner child, Self-love, self-worth, worthinessJules Rowlen_MiCself love, self worth, self-sabotage, worthiness, trauma, transformation
Under Siege 3 - Thanksgiving
depression, fear, healing, self-worth, worthiness, inner childJules Rowlen_MiCself worth, self love, family, worthiness, hiding, inner child
Eat, Drink & Go Crazy
anger, fear, healing, worthiness, Self-love, Holiday, family drama, self-worthJules Rowlen_MiCholidays, stress, alcohol, families, commitments, family commitments, children, self love, self worth
Rewriting a Chiari Story
Ketamine Session 6 - Astonishing