“If you want a certain thing, first be a certain person. Then obtaining that certain thing will no longer be a concern.”
— Zen Proverb
In Like a Lion, Out Like a Wrecking Ball
Chiari Internal Work, fear, healing, health, Joe Dispenza, Wayne Dyer, worthinessJules Rowlen_MiChealing, Chiari Internal Work, Wayne Dyer, Joe Dispenza, meditation
Don't Cry for Me - Again
chiari malformation, depression, Essential oils, family drama, fear, healing, health, Joe Dispenza, Prescription medication, Wayne Dyer, weight, weightlossJules Rowlen_MiCchiari malformation, Chiari, Chiari diagnosis, Divine Intervention, healing, Joe Dispenza, Wayne Dyer, essential oils
Divine Intervention
chiari malformation, healing, health, Joe Dispenza, Wayne DyerJules Rowlen_MiCDivine Intervention, Wayne Dyer, Joe Dispenza, You are the placebo, change your thoughts change your life, healing, chiari malformation
Out With the Old, In With the Flu
chiari malformation, anger, healing, health, Joe DispenzaJules Rowlen_MiCchiari malformation, healing, health, illness, Joe Dispenza, Wayne Dyer