Don't Cry for Me - Again
chiari malformation, depression, Essential oils, family drama, fear, healing, health, Joe Dispenza, Prescription medication, Wayne Dyer, weight, weightlossJules Rowlen_MiCchiari malformation, Chiari, Chiari diagnosis, Divine Intervention, healing, Joe Dispenza, Wayne Dyer, essential oils
She-Beast Takes Out the Trash
food addiction, healing, health, Self-love, self-worth, weight, weightloss, worthinessJules Rowlen_MiCself worth, self care, self love, weight, weightloss, weight loss, healing, health, mean girl, melissa ambrosini
From a Hot Tub of Lavender
chiari malformation, depression, Essential oils, food addiction, healing, fear, health, inner child, Self-love, self-worth, weight, weightloss, worthinessJules Rowlen_MiCself worth, self care, self love, worthiness, essential oils, depression, chiari malformation
Rewriting a Chiari Story
chiari malformation, food addiction, healing, health, weightloss, weightJules Rowlen_MiCweight loss, health, chiari malformation, self-sabotage, inner battle
None Of It Matters If...
food addiction, healing, health, weight, weightloss, Essential oilsJules Rowlen_MiChealth, weight loss, weight, food addiction, food culture, transformation, essential oils
In My Rearview Mirror
chiari malformation, food addiction, healing, health, weight, weightlossJules Rowlen_MiCtransformation, weight loss, weight, healing, health, chiari malformation
Who Am I Being?
compulsions, food addiction, health, Joe Dispenza, weight, weightlossJules Rowlen_MiCweight loss, weight, transformation, self love, self care, self-sabotage, pain, overeating, food, food culture, food addiction, Hungry for Change, Joe Dispenza
Any Arby’s or Horsey Sauce with That?
compulsions, food addiction, health, weight, weightloss, Joe DispenzaJules Rowlen_MiCweight, weight loss, addiction, food culture, food addiction, When Food Is Love, Joe Dispenza
Island of Lost Fitbits
Creating a New Food Culture
The Dissolution of a Food Culture